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ELSA Update News
New feature introduction
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Review: 1st phase
Validation Summary
The summary chart: 8/7 - 9/12 the total tickets reported: 100 tickets. Link: 9/14 summary 分類 數目 附註 總共註冊Ticket 100 已結案...
Ticket: 等待釐清中
Collection from Time Records guideline: (1) 如果ticket 無法複製,且30天內不再出現,則訂為結案。若日後再發生,可以「重開」或「新ticket」方式處理 Item # Date Issue Description (Leo) Feedback from developer (Moby) Management Actions 1 Aug. 9 1. Items are del...
Ticket: 處理中/重開
Collection from Time Records Item # Date Issue Description (Leo) Feedback from developer (Moby) Management Actions 1 Aug. 12 8/9: Jumps away from location condition: 1. E-books 六鍵式省線-M64 2. 220台灣市橋海路93號 3. 10 km 8/...
Ticket: 新規格
Collection from Time Records tem # Date Description (Leo) Feedback from developer: feasibility (Moby) Management Decision 1 Aug. 9 1. 其他門市: 橫向列表太長了 2. 如果點擊門市,應在地圖上列出該店家位置,地址與促銷商品 地圖上已可列出有該商品該店家位置 改善顯示方式 討論促銷商品如何呈...